We no longer believe in dreams and these sorts of things
408 words from 1045
Translated from Farsi to English
408 words from 1045
Translated from Farsi to English
When I got up at 7 in the morning, I realised I had been dreaming of Nemsa. At times like this, I remain lying on the bed trying to revisit my dream. Sometimes I can’t remember what I had seen so I get up and wash up, and as if my bed is the light source of my dream’s projection, I return and stretch back on the bed to see if I can remember anything. But when the dream itself awakens me, it definitely has an important message. My dream of Nemsa was one such dream. I got up and grabbed the dreams interpretation book to see what it meant. It wasn’t looking good so I called Nora.
‘Nora, I dreamt Nemsa got a broken leg and can’t move! It means she’ll suffer from financial losses. Tell her to be careful!’
‘Well, she will, buying a house in this motley wasteland!’ She replied.
‘So, tell her!’ I said.
‘You know, we don’t believe in dream and these sorts of stuff anymore.’
‘What? What are you talking about?’
But it wasn’t only me asking what she was talking about! All the interpreters rose from the book to join me in my surprise!
I said: ‘Even you?!’
‘Yes, even me!’, She replied.
I really didn’t expect this from my mum. From Nemsa who moves north, south, east and west in the direction of the wind, I did! But not my mum! How could you deny dream interpretations after all the dreams you dreamt and what they meant?!
She said: ‘None of my dreams were interpretated in real life! Which one did? You tell me.’
I wanted to tell her about that time she dreamt of her father. In her dream he was on a boat down Shadegan river moving away. She shouts: Yoba![1] Don’t go! Please, where are you going?
After a year of that dream Yoba passed away! He fainted standing in the toilet and never regained consciousness. But I swallowed my words; I didn’t say anything and changed the subject. She was very sensitive about her father. To her, he was a lost love whom she was longing for in her dreams. Now, I wasn’t sure what had happened to her to suddenly be so disappointed of dreams.
When I hung up, I thought to myself, that without dreams we would all be miserable dealing with real life day and night!
Five years ago, I had a dream...
[1] The name my mother and us referred to her father